During my childhood I spent nine summer seasons as a shepherd in the Swiss Alps working for different farmers. However, playing the alphorn remained a dream. As an 18-year-old, I started my training in the building trade and after completion continued to work in this sector. I was eager to achieve something in my life. But by the time I was 24, my life was completely shattered. Nothing worked out as I had expected. I had messed up some things myself, other things went wrong because of circumstances or other people.
At that time I was blowing the trumpet of doom, rather than the alphorn. It’s often easier to see the negative side of life instead of the positive, isn’t it? I finally came to a point of desperation and could not see any further. That was when God started working in my life and that is why I’d like to share my story with you.
I know that there are thousands of people in a similar Situation today: disappointments in love-relationships, no job, no money – and even no place to live. Often we also face physical illness or some form of depression. Not surprisingly, many people see no way out and want to put an end to it al. Such was the situation I found myself in.
Why should l carry on?
Depression, sleeplessness, lack of appetite, no aim in life and suicidal thoughts burdened me day and night. It was worst at weekends, when I tried to contact some of my few trusted friends and not even they were available. On such days, the clouds hovering over my head became even darker. One Saturday, I decided to put an end to it all. I simply did not see how to live one more day. I loaded the army gun kept at home and pulled the trigger. For some reason, it would not fire. I could not explain this, but said to myself, „OK, there are other ways to do it.“ From my small apartment I climbed onto the roof, over the wrought iron railing and tried to jump from the sixth floor. An invisible power held me back. Was it cowardice or fear of death which held me back? I must leave that open.
I went back to my room, gathered all my money and headed for the bright lights of Zürich, I wanted to get drunk and so have the courage to carry out my plan.
Then God intervened!
Up until then, God had not interested me. I was not raised in a religious home and did not really have much interest in God. Rather, I tended to make fun of Him, for instance by singing silly songs. I did not consider people who spoke about God as good examples. – On the way to the pubs, I met two girls who invited me to watch a christian film, I wasn’t particularly interested, but watched it anyway. I could not make much of the film, but at the end, one question grabbed my attention:
„If you die today, would you be ready to face God?“
Nobody there knew about my desperation. The film was not really what I needed. Nobody knew me, but I was struck by this question right at the center of my being. Not having thought about God for such a long time, was why I was struck by this very personal question,
„If you die today, would you be ready to face God?“
Arriving home that evening, I unloaded my gun and thought about what I had heard.
A few months passed before I was ready to make a commitment to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. What a change it was, when the Son of God entered my life. I received completely new purpose in life. I was completely restored, lost my addiction to alcohol and was instantly free from nicotine, having smoked for the last 16 years. I was also completely healed both physically and mentally, and this without any medical help and without withdrawal symptoms.
I don’t wish for anybody to hit rock bottom as I did. But there’s one question every one of us has to answer, „What is the purpose of my life?“ The only satisfying answer is, „You need a personal relationship with God.“ This is only possible through Jesus Christ, who said of Himself:
„l am the way, the truth and the life; no-one comes to the Father except through me.“
(The Bible, John 14, verse 6)
Since my first experience with the Almighty God in 1977, I have been walking through life together with Him. I am enjoying a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in all the ups and downs in life. To live as a committed Christian is not always easy, the sky is not always bright blue – no, often life is a battle and challenges have to be faced. However, Jesus is leading and accompanying me. In fellowship with other believers and when reading the Bible, I experience many encouraging moments. I am happy and rejoice in the assurance that one day I will be with Jesus Christ in glory, enjoying everlasting life. I can only recommend to you, to commit your life to God because
„Life is really worth living.“
I am convinced that God can touch your life in the same way as He did mine. He definitely has a plan for your life.
One time I was playing the trumpet of doom, but now God has given me a new song to play on the alphorn.
Lorenz Schwarz